Monday, March 11, 2013

Airstream Junky.

OK... I admit it.  


There, I said it.  The first step to really admitting the problem is publicly admitting it, right?

So the hubs and I were talking recently about possibly moving yet again.  We dream of a warm weather place that I can breathe and he can swim.  I have suggested many times that we sell all of our huge bulky furniture and home decor and "simply buy an Airstream!" and then hit the road.

This suggestion of mine comes up at least 3 times a month.  After all, in the 10 years that we have been together, we have moved 11 times!!!  Yes, 11 times!!!  One of the moves was from AZ to TX (big time move for us).  With that being said, I truly think he has a little gypsy soul in him as well.  I love adventure, change, new scenery.  

I think it is a perfect solution!  He, of course, thinks I am NUTS.  

After all, where on earth would he put his beloved Lazy Boy?!  

Trust me.  I can think of a few good places for it.  



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