Friday, August 16, 2013

Help Please.

There are words that are spoken in every relationship that can raise an eyebrow or cause some concern.  For some it is "We need to talk."  For others it is "You better sit down." Or, possibly worst yet for some "My family is coming to town."  For my relationship, the words my hubs hates to hear are "I need your help."  Dun, dun, duuhhhh...

Those are the infamous words that send my usually helpful hubs running.  Not because he does not want to help me with this or that, but because he knows when I actually stop to ask someone, mainly him, for help it is always a big project.

 For instance, our latest project, building a new dog run for our new rescue dog Goldie, involved digging post holes, building a fence, hanging a gate, running a plumbing line to self water a doggie pool, hanging a shade covering and now adding a mister system.  Did I mention that it is in the dead heat of hot and humid Texas?  

So recently when those words were uttered out of my mouth "I need your help", he immediately replied with "As long as it isn't building a dog run for Goldie."  Doh! He got me.  He knew what I was going to ask before I even said it.  The problem is he usually knows what my big plans are for my projects before I even speak of them.  Maybe it is from the project lists, the detailed drawings or the research I do before I start on said projects. I've really got to learn to start hiding those drawings better.  ;)


Of course I cannot just go buy a little pre-built dog run, I have got to build one from scratch.  Better yet, let's make it match the existing fencing that I did for the garden.  Good idea, right?  Right. (Insert the eye roll here from the hubs.)

So, after much coercion, begging and bribing, he went out to the farm over several weekends to help complete the dog run for our Goldie girl. I will admit, there were several "conversations" that took place as tools went missing, post holes were dug, concrete was poured, cuss words were muttered, fencing got built, sweat was dripping and the hubs was just plain tired of my project.  

BUT, we finally got it done.


Now I can sleep knowing that she is safe and secure. That's saying a lot for this insomniac.