Some say we are an odd pair. Those closest to us say we are a perfect pair. All we know is that we were a unlikely match- but yet, right from the beginning we were a perfect pair. Let's go back 9 years...
M's version:
We met in the least expected place to meet your perfect match- 1st summer session of a advanced photography class at the community local college. During that time, we were both struggling to figure things out in our respective lives and had taken the class to have some "me" time and to connect with our inner artist. He had taken the beginning class the semester before as I had taken the same class at a different college across town the semester before as well. The first day came and we were both early (I have a rule about that) and I was sitting alone outside waiting for the class to begin. J walked up to me and introduced himself and started small talk to make me feel welcome as everyone else already knew each other. As the class began, we all talked briefly about the type of photography we specialized in. When it was my turn I said that I was currently focusing on outdoor landscapes and when it was his turn, he said the same thing as he smiled and winked at me with those intense blue eyes.
J's version:
Birdie is correct on where we met and how we met, but she left off the fact that I said I was working on landscapes first. When it was finally her turn to let the instructor know what her portfolio would be, she then mentioned that she would be working on landscapes as well. Our instructor was delighted and suggested that we work together on a shared project. A perfect team right from the start working on a common project. Instantly I wondered about this girl with the sparkling green eyes, contagious laugh and beautiful smile.